Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Leaves Are Falling!

The Leaves Are Falling!


What's in the forecast for November?

Photo by Mary Jane Kasliner

The energy for the month of November is based on the flying star system feng shui formula. This is one of the most advance systems in feng shui as it takes into account the aspect of time in relation to space. Below is a generalized overview of how this energy may play out.
The month of November generates the 8 white money and success star. This is a great energy and especially so since the current yun cycle is an 8 period. That doubles the success for this month. The star represents the trigram Gen relating to an inner calm and stillness that leads to wisdom. This star reminds us to rely on the knowledge we possess not only through educational methods but through experience that leads to wise action.
It calls us to make stable and sound decisions and especially when it comes to financial investments. Earth is strong with this star and layered by strong earth energy in the 60 year cycle and current 20 year yun period – making real estate and market shares prime choices when it comes to investments.
This is a very auspicious star and therefore one should capitalize on any sound financial opportunities that formulate for this month.
The analysis below is an interpretation of how this star, when moved into each direction reacts to the energy of that portent. *Note: all recommendations should be placed by November 8th and removed by December 7th.
East - Family & Health:  This month the areas of health and family interaction are influenced by the white 6 star. This is a positive energy but looks to male leadership when it comes to these aspects. Therefore, seeking the advice of elders and especially male elder is advised when it comes to tapping into family or health concerns. As the portent direction fights with this energy, there is a possibility of tension for patriarch and or headaches or upper respiratory illness.
Cure: Place fire and earth in this area to complete harmony cycle and built this auspicious energy. Remove by Dec. 7th.
Southeast - Wealth & Fortunate Blessings: An undermining energy enters the area of wealth this month. Be aware that disputes can occur between male and female mainly due to female trying undermine finances. Check your financial account periodically this month for any scams to your account. Possible skin, mouth irritation can occur on left side of the body this month for female.
Cure: Place virtual water ( not real water) here for the month and remove by Dec. 7th.
South- Goals, Visions, Reputation:  This month there is a pretty aggressive energy when it comes to fueling new aspects to goals and being noticed in the world of business. It is important however to take your time and think through strategies as this energy can become volatile. Luckily the fire portent helps to tame this energy. Potential weakness to feet, legs and ligaments this month so be aware of this when exercising.
Cure: Place fire element here to subdue this energy. The portent will also be effective in helping diffuse this energy. Remove cure by Dec. 7th.
Southwest - Relationships & Interaction With Others: This is a very problematic energy that enters the portent of relationships this month. There is a tendency for problems at every turn so take extra time when interacting with others to avoid unnecessary disagreements. There is potential for infectious illness for matriarch.
Cure: Place bronze metal and vibration sound (ringing of bell) frequently to break up this problematic energy combination. Remove cure by Dec. 7th.
West - Having Fun & Being Creative: The 1 white auspicious star enters the portent of creativity and fun this month. This is a wonderful energy that can prove to lighten the load when it comes to "all work no play." The best way to work with this star is to plan out some fun-time and be original and creative about how you want to make your heart sing. Just take the initiative and all else will fall into place. There are no negative effects in this combination of energy.
Cure: Add additional metal element to built this friendly star energy. Remove cure by Dec. 7th.
Northwest - Mentors, Travel, Networking, Near Wealth: Fantastic energy here for the month and especially when it comes to finances. The 9 fire star magnifies potential wealth for this portent. There is male and female connection making things happen. It is very important to maintain goals, mission and reputation when it comes to networking deals. The portent causes this wonderful star to lose some of its energy and therefore the eyes and cardiovascular system could potentially be compromised especially for patriarch.
Cure: Add  water and wood elements here to connect these two elements and build fire for wealth.  You may remove cures by Dec. 7th.
North - Career Journey: The 4 green star enters the portent of career journey this month. Indecision can present itself when it comes to career. Friction can occur between male and female and disrupt relationship.  The portent fuels this problematic energy and therefore can exacerbate these potential issues. Tap into the creative literary aspects to this star to try and work around its otherwise unfavorable qualities.
Cure: Place fire element here for the month and remove by Dec.  7th.
Northeast - Wisdom, Inner Knowing: This month the black 2 star enters wisdom and knowledge. Therefore, it may be a little difficult to get things going in this aspect of your life. Luckily the monthly 8 star for November helps this potential slump. This star can also elicit stomach flu and as it presents in the palace of Gen, youngest male is mostly impacted. The portent assists this problematic star and therefore magnifies its potential.
Cure: Place metal element here and remove by Dec. 7th.
Central Palace: As mentioned in the beginning of this report, the month of November generates the 8 white money star.  This is a great energy and especially so since the current yun cycle is an 8 period. That doubles the success for this month. The star represents the trigram Gen relating to an inner calm and stillness that leads to wisdom. This star reminds us to rely on the knowledge we possess not only through educational methods but through experience that leads to wise action.
It calls us to make stable and sound decisions and especially when it comes to financial investments. Earth is strong with this star and layered by strong earth energy in the 60 year cycle and present 20 year yun period – making real estate and market shares prime choices when it comes to investments.
Cure: Add movement to this area either with a small fish bowl, water fountain, bright light source, pet food bowl or walkway area. Also place money in this area for the month and remove by Dec. 7th.

Happy November!

* For personalized reports email: