Clear it Out!
By: Mary Jane Kasliner
Do you ever feel like a gray cloud is constantly hovering
over you? Do you feel no matter what you
do it seems to be a struggle? One of the
most common reasons for stagnancy in life is clutter. When energy is stuck in a physical sense it
has far reaching effects on every aspect of our being. It has a tendency to throw us off track in
life, question our direction, and to trigger emotional, physical and spiritual
malaise. On some level, your mind is aware of what is going on. On another level it is the subconscious
mind’s way of avoiding what needs to be done.
For our life to work well it is necessary to clear the
clutter and make room for new energy to propagate. Part of this process is to disengage from the
emotional attachment we have with the objects we possess. The trick is to make any honest assessment
about the objects in your space and the emotional strain it is having on the
flow of your life. When we understand that every part of the human life
experience is encapsulated within our home through design, images, symbols,
sounds and smells, we can then assess whether these objects add value to our
life or keep us physically and emotionally stuck.
Take action now to energize your space and begin a life
filled with abundance by following these simple guidelines. You will feel empowered by your ability to
control your space, feel lighter, realize new opportunities, and move through
life more effortlessly.
1. Take a tour of your home and record
the clutter zones of each room.
2. Note how you feel when you look at
your possessions. Do you have a positive reaction or a negative one?
3. Create a system for discarding
unwanted, broken, return, or donation items.
4. Set an intention as you remove
unwanted items. You are now
energetically opening up to attracting new desires into your life.
5. Take breaks during the
clutter-clearing session to recharge your energy.
6. Strive for a cleared, simple, natural
and uncluttered feel.
7. Make sure each room has at least two
strong light sources.
8. Add pizzazz to each room with accents
(i.e.: fresh coat of paint, flowers, seashells, or plant).
9. Re-think your furniture positioning
and create open and inviting seating arrangements.
10. Locate the East direction in your
home and place a healthy plant and other wood elements (green colors, floral
designs, columnar shapes or wood accent pieces). This is a direction that
sparks “New Beginnings.”
11. Space clear each room for a fresh
revitalized feel by spraying pure essential oils.
12. Let go, have fun and live simply.
Once you begin the process of aligning your space, you will
naturally increase the energy level of the structure and in turn, your personal
energy will heighten. You will naturally
be drawn to healthier eating habits, physical habits and spiritual habits. You have a
choice to change your
life through the design of your space. What are you waiting for?
© by Mary Jane Kasliner ~ All rights reserved.
About the Author:
Mary Jane Kasliner is
a professional Accredited Feng Shui Consultant of the London Institute and
Nationally Certified in Hatha Yoga. She
is the owner of Body Space Alignment
and the Teaching Tortoise School of Feng
Shui. She has received world-wide media coverage by the Associated Press
and CN8 Television. Mary Jane is the
author of Love, Happiness And Feng Shui,
The Feng Shui Connection To A Healthy
Life, Mother Nature a Bridge to Conscious Living, 16 Feng Shui CD’s and
part of a team of writers producing an 8 book series known as Project Destiny. She is a Red Ribbon
member of the International Feng Shui Guild and held the Jersey Shore Director position
for two years. Mary Jane can be reached
by calling: 732-695-2575 or visiting her website: or