Friday, May 5, 2017

Month Changer Day!

Today, the month changes from the dragon to the snake but that doesn't happen until 3:42pm. Look for my monthly forecast later today when the energy actually shifts! In the meantime, today is considered an establish day. This is a perfect day for starting a new job or new position at work. It is also a perfect day for initiating business dealings and transactions.

Keep you eye on the prize when it comes to marketing and your goals as the energy is extremely active in the south. Add some fire to ease the otherwise moveable star.

Career is positive for today and much financial potential gain overall. Place strong earth in the center to activate a wonderful money combination.

The yang water dragon combination today makes for strong communications and favors growth and expansion. Live by your own philosophy today for best results. Act wisely  and do what is essential for progress from a strong rooted foundation.

Mary Jane Kasliner

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