Thursday, January 31, 2019

8 Things To Welcome in the Earth Pig Year 2019

8 Things You Can Do to Welcome in the Yin Earth Pig for 2019!
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8 Things To Welcome in the Earth Pig Year of 2019!

Welcome to Body Space Alignment Newsletter. On February 4th, 2019, the solar new year begins. The Yin Earth Pig will rise, as the Earth Dog of 2018 moves into storage. 
This is the first of a three part newsletter to prepare you for the year ahead. Today, I begin with 8 things you can do to prepare for the changes that are coming. I believe this is essential step to repeat every year to balance our inner and outer landscape. Part two of this series will include the energy of the Yin Earth Pig while the  third segment will review points of interest in your environment and other activities that are beneficial for 2019.
Let's get right to it!

Elevate Your Consciousness!

Mary Jane

1 & 2. Organize and Cleanse Your Environment:
In Deepak Chopra's book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, he discusses how to integrate all parts of your life. This includes your environment, As a feng shui consultant and yogi,  I couldn't agree more with him.

Within your physical domain, you have and extended body, and an energetic body. Your extended body is the environment, containing the never-ending supply of energy and information that is available to you. Every sound, sensation, sight, flavor, and aroma you ingest from the environment influences your body and mind. Each breath that you inhale and exhale is a reminder of the continuous conversation taking place between the physical body and your environment. With that being said, it behooves you to take note of what your surroundings are like and how you can improve it. Without getting into a long laundry list of things to do, go for the obvious infractions such as clutter, old and worn out items, tattered fabric or peeling paint. Start big and then refine.

Once you complete the cleaning and organization steps, then cleanse your space. You can do this with herbs, bells  and essential oils. Have fun walking around your home and  removing old stuck energy patterns and refreshing it with new active intentions. I have several e-programs and books that can guide you every step of the way to dramatically improve the look and feel of your home. At the end of the day, you need to take responsibility for what is happening in your environment.

3 and 4. Complete Unfinished Projects and Clear Your Mind:
I don't think I know anyone who doesn't have something hanging over their head when it comes to business and projects. Is there a project you've been working on but somehow let it get away from you? Aim at closing any loose ends, the logic is to start fresh and continue what is good, and let the rest go.

Now that you can let go of the unfinished work, you can spend some time to clear your mind. First, make a list of all the good things that happened in 2018. Take some time to also list the not so good. When you review the list, are there any lessons for you to walk away with? Now, make a list of the things you would like to realistically accomplish in 2019. I say realistically, as many times we put so much down on our list we set ourselves up for failure. One of my yoga class themes for 2019 was " Lower Your Expectations." I know that may sound counterintuitive; however, if you look at it from the perspective of not expecting too much from someone or something that is simply not capable of giving that, it will save you a whole lot of frustration and angst. I suggest if you are writing a list for 2019, to break it down in monthly intervals. It will not look so daunting that way. Make sure you include a meditation practice in this process. You'll be amazed what comes up. 

5 and 6. Manifest and Welcome the New:
What is it you would like to manifest in 2019? Can you see it, feel it, smell it and taste it? Take a least one action everyday that gets you closer to your year goals. Meditate daily and see yourself living your desires. Especially take advantage when the energy is really high such as a full moon to do your visualization and meditation.

When I was in India on retreat, the main theme was the Law of Attraction. Morning meditation down at the Ganges was extremely powerful. There was a mindset that seemed to attract things instantly. The working dynamic was to feel the emotion in real time of what you wanted to attract. This requires discipline and being willing to show up to do the work of meditation, visualization and applying these efforts into action.

There are plenty of apps that you can download to your phone to assist you in the visualization process. Explore and enjoy the journey. The time is now!

7. Feng Shui:

The first of the Chinese month is an excellent time to treat yourself to a feng shui consultation. That can be for your home or office. It is an excellent time to locate the most powerful points in your environment and how to open them up for new opportunities, prosperity, health and productivity. This is also a perfect time for a full 4 Pillars Astrology Life Reading that will  bring clarity for business, home - life, family, health, relationships, personal soul's mission and more. Having the right tools and information to work with is  powerful for the manifesting process.

8. Embrace the World Around You:

Everyday take in the world around you. Receive all the visual information that is presenting itself to you now. Take it in: the things, the spaces between the things, the light and the shadow. Let the world's visual abundance offer itself to you as if the universe is giving you a gift. Notice the layers of details that you may often overlook. Gaze upon the infinite textures and colors around you. Dedicate your focus to a visual and mental exploration of what you see in front of you and let yourself marvel in it.

Part 2 of this Newsletter series I will expound on the Yin Earth Pig energy for 2019. Look for part 2 in you inbox tomorrow!

Part 3 of this newsletter series I will delve into the feng shui flying stars and what to pay attention to in your environment!
Be strong in your Easy Pose during your meditation and visualization process for 2019!
Shop the Feng Shui Store
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