Thursday, October 31, 2019

Nature's First Green is Gold!


     Let's talk about natural accents. It's amazing how you can find harmony in nature's own palette. "Nature's first green is gold, " wrote the American poet Robert Frost in his 1923 ode to the fleeting natural world. Gold is the element of metal, and a perfect accent for your metal and water directions (West, NW and North). It is also an element that is strong in the autumnal season that reminds us to release and let go of what no longer is needed. We can take that cue from nature and just observe the trees. Leaves begin to change their colors as the dead ones fall away trusting that in time new growth will occur. It was Rumi who said "Be like a tree and let the dead leaves drop." How can you expect to grow if you have dead weight demanding all your energy? 

     Metal chi (energy) is contractive by nature. The earth contains ore deep within as a precious quality that provides structure. In everyday life, metal chi reminds us to take pause, move within, listen, observe, focus and organize our thoughts. Through this process we become aware of what matters most and then can commit and align worldly actions with those inner values. 

     Tune in and anchor your mind to your deepest intention. In doing so, you automatically connect to your higher state of being so that even during the most turbulent times you can hold true to your highest self. 

     Making subtle adjustments to your décor periodically is an excellent way to celebrate the simplicity and oneness with the outdoors, salute the season, and connect to a higher state of mind. There are many simple ways to inject nature's qualities into your living environment. This can range from décor to the foods you ingest. We'll save the foods for another blog:) Here are some examples of how you can invite the quality of metal chi inside your living space.

Sample Décor Accents:
  • Gold decorative mobile hung near a window or air vent for natural movement.
  • Macramé wall art unframed or framed in gold accent.
  • Bleached wood accent table. The lighter finish puts the focus on subtler natural details like the wood's grain and helps to keep key pieces together harmoniously.
  • Hand woven natural fiber area rug.
  • Accent metal trays for coffee table.
  • Florals rich in color with gold/yellow accents and of course vibrant greens.
  • Odd number (3 or 5) of metal ornamental pieces placed on sofa table or cocktail table
     Use one or two statement objects to attract the eye in a muted setting. Perhaps hammered bowl or vase that work together to refract light and cast a golden hue into polished surfaces like marble and glass. If you have an open space, add touchable textures such as a decorative throw or woven wall art.

     When you work with the accents of nature in décor, you invite harmony into your life. From the words of John Muir; "Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees."

Mary Jane Kasliner Feng Shui Yoga Girl 

Monday, October 21, 2019

Honor Your Environment and Your Body


     Your body is an extension of your environment. Honoring both is a perfect way to balance your life. If you think of your body as a means to access the world, then taking care of it is of utmost importance. If you think of your environment as a means to protect and nurture your body, then tending to it also becomes important. 

     It is through your body that you experience sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. Your body is made up of countless complex systems that collaborate to enable you to move, be still, to laugh, cry, and to experience pain and pleasure. Honor your environment and your body by treating them with respect and awe. 

     Sauca, is the first of five Nyamas, or "observances." It is a spiritual practice to experience higher consciousness. At the most basic level, sauca addresses the need to avoid illness through cleanliness. The practice of sauca may include fasting and eating healthy foods. On a physical level, sauca increases vitality and longevity. 

     Sauca in the environment relaxes yet energizes the mind and body. When we know our environment is clean and orderly, we can focus on the present moment and engage with life as it unfolds. It creates an felling of expansiveness and energetically clears our path for growth.

     On a deeper level, sauca purifies the mind through self exploration. It is a mental landscape of our attachments, fears and need to constantly judge self and others. With the process of sauca, we heat up our consciousness and work to release what no longer serves us. Then, we can turn our mind and heart to what is good. Our focus shifts to what is positive and as a result our life changes for the better.

Simple Ways to Honor Your Environment:

  • Assess your environment on a weekly basis for any extras things that you really don't need and remove them. 
  • Spruce up your walls, floors and furnishings. Move things around to create a new look and feel, especially when seasons change.
  • Create focal points with interesting artwork, books or sculpture.
  • Infuse natural scents and soothing sounds.
  • Less is more when decorating, so be mindful of what you choose to place in your rooms.
  • Create an inviting look from the outdoors to draw the positive energy inside.
Simple Ways to Honor Your Body:

  • Commit to exercise
  • Eat healthy
  • Groom
  • Meditate
  • Love yourself 
  • Embrace challenges
  • Live mindfully
  • Be present
  •  Sing or chant on a daily basis

     Living in an embodied state means to honor the your house; the one that houses your body and the one that houses your soul. Cultivating a practice of "sauca" for your inner and outer landscape will benefit your life. Keep the practice up on a daily basis and notice how your environment and your "true self" will shine like a precious gem.

Mary Jane Kasliner
Feng Shui Yoga Girl

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Symphony of Living!

The Symphony of Living!
Mary Jane Kasliner - Wisdom Buffet Writer

Flow Like the Stream

     One of my favorite bands in the late 1960s was Simon and Garfunkel. Not only did they write and sing songs that were a glorious mix of both raw realism and dreamy romanticism, but their timeless harmonies were pure and nothing short of absolute perfection. With different voices, styles, opinions and being two completely personalities, they came together in the music that they produced and it all worked brilliantly.
     Now, not always can our lives together produce such lovely melodies or poetic lyrics, but we can create a life of harmony once we acknowledge, respect, and accept each other's differences. When we put in the effort to understand and compromise, our lives can become magical, musical and harmonious.
     About the same time that I was listening to Simon and Garfunkel on the radio, I stumbled upon the Japanese philosophy of Wabi Sabi. Wabi Sabi is known as the "art of imperfection," or simply, finding beauty in all things; things that are imperfect, ever changing and impermanent. For example, when looking through Wabi Sabi eyes, we would... Read more chapter 2 Book of Harmony - The Symphony of Living.
The more in harmony your are with the flow of your own existence, the more magical life becomes.

Nature Does Not Hurry!

The Law of Least Effort states that nature's intelligence functions with effortless ease. Just looking at the natural ebb and flow of the ocean tides or blooming flowers supports this law. If you notice flowers and trees do not strain to bloom but rather there is grace, perfect timing, and finesse when it comes to transforming energy. The Law of Least Effort tells us that we can do less and accomplish more when we let go of resistance and simply accept what is.

There must be more to living a life of harmony than just learning how to accept 'what is.' And in fact, there is...Read more chapter 4 Book of Harmony - The Symphony of Living available of Amazon.

Eat Seasonal Foods

To live a balanced life, one needs to be aware of the cycles of nature and follow their flow. In nutrition, this means practicing the Chinese tradition of eating seasonal foods to align your body with nature's rhythms and the five elements: spring (wood), summer (fire), late summer (earth), autumn (metal), winter (water). Each of these also represents the major organs that we must nourish and keep at their top efficiency: the liver, heart, stomach, lungs and kidneys.

Take your cue on what to eat from your local farmer's market or grocery store produce section and avail yourself of the cornucopia that awaits you. Autumn is the time of harvest around the globe - a time...Read more chapter 6 Journey to Health - Living Well from the Inside Out. 

Learn From Vata - Air

Air or wind is an element that can teach us how to let go and be free. Wind does not resist but rather is free in spirit. When we let go of resistance life is joyful and we are blessed abundantly.

Wind is the voice of higher self, the sage, the seer, and the impeccable word. It is a matter of relying on your intuition. When you listen to higher self and use "the word" impeccably, then you experience heaven on earth.

Vata urges us to become the dreamer, the creator and initiator in life. This is the freedom  within that...Read more chapter 5 Strong Perfect Whole - Becoming Who You Want to Be.

Happy October!
Mary Jane - Wisdom Buffet Writer

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Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Expand, Grow and Trust!

Expand, Grow and Trust!

     The month of October is about growing, expanding and trusting yourself.  This week in particular, growth and expansion is magnified. That's because the moon enters a waxing gibbous phase in combination with the trigram zhen entering the center of the loshu.

     When the moon enters this phase, there is opportunity to break free of anything that is binding you from completing your goal. Keep your mind's eye open and forge ahead in manifesting the end result of your efforts. Opportunities will arise. Trust your instincts, gather information and be straight forward with your response.

     Integrity is also top of the list for this month. The Dog month (October), in Chinese Astrology elevates the level of honesty, loyalty and trust. Therefore, these are qualities to look for in others and, more importantly, in yourself. Being forthright in your actions and words in your relationships is productive this month especially when it comes to business dealings. 

     There is plenty of abundance to go around as resources are readily available.  Trust you have the ability to influence those in decision-making positions. Keep your aspirations to yourself and be patient and modest when serving others.

     The movement and change brought about by the dosha vata (air/space), adds to the growth process. This element however does need root so you don't feel flighty. The best way to anchor movement of air is to ground through the earth. Make it a point to spend time in earth directions such as the northeast or southwest. Plan on daily meditation or chanting mantras. The sound vibration of chanting aligns perfectly to the throat chakra (vishuddha) and the element of air. The grounding effects of this practice builds trust and clarity.

Loshu Movement:

     The loshu grid (workings of the universe), continually flows. This month the triram Zhen (loshu 3), takes residence in the central point. As all things in the universe are driven from the center, then this trigram powers the entire grid. In the process, the remaining trigrams shift from their home-base postions to another house. How does that impact YOU? From a generalized perspective the following are energy vibrations to bare in mind as you navigate through the month of October.

  •  Family, growth and expanding your horizons are forefront this month. Engaging with family for dinner or weekend entertainment is beneficial. Seeking new perspective with business or growth opportunity is essential. Consider where you can branch out and move upwards just as trees do in nature. Feet, legs and neck are vulnerable this month with 3 Zhen expending its energy in the earth position. This is especially so for males.
  •  Family connection bodes well for career opportunity this month. There is a natural flow between long-term venture and family. This is especially so for male lineage. Organized plan of action is essential for this to fly.
  •  Some resistance in financial dealings this month that literally can cause stomach upset and especially for female. Keep your daily finances in order. Double check your ledger and be clear as to where your money is going.
  •  Creative marketing and sales for business owners is stifled this month. Appeal to clients with a more grounding approach. This will let potential clients feel centered and clear about in their decision-making process. Watch for teeth sensitivity especially to temperature hot foods and liquids. Trust me, I took a pasta noodle directly out of the boiling water to taste it and I felt a shoorting pain in my molar. Of course this was a few days ago prior to preparing this report. And wouldn't you know, there are two sectors in the loshu that show aggravation of teeth! 
  •  Travel in order this month and especially for eldest daughter. There is connection to mentors and helpful people during this excursion. Older male can place pressure on younger female, but nothing that good communication can't fix. Right hip is vulnerable this month and especially the outer aspect of the hip (IT band insertion). Inflammation is likely, so ice it up!.
  •  In sticking with the theme of growth, expansion and trust, finances and resources soar in career. Get yourself noticed and the universe will take care of the rest! Left hand and wrist is vulnerable this month.
  •  Meditation allows you to tap in to higher consciousness. Help is available on the other side of the veil. The assistance of vata (air/space) connects you naturally to the heavenly realm.
*For personal assessment of this energy email me directly!

Mary Jane - Feng Shui Yoga Girl


Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Children's Garden

Children's Garden

     This is the time of year where the trigram Dui is active. This trigram represents the autumn season, the element of metal, and the pure joy of watching children play and create. It is polar opposite to  family and heritage represented by the spring season and element of wood. These two points dance with one another expressing the importance of procreating to strengthen family lineage.

     Depending on where you live in the country, or the world for that matter, the weather may still be agreeable for outdoor pleasure. When creating a garden for children, it is wise to incorporate plenty of stimulation, and lots of opportunities for them to explore and use their imagination. A well-designed garden for children, provides all of this, and good feng shui will ensure excellent flow of energy and safety at play.

     Trees are a good idea as they act as shelter while slowing down the energy keeping children safe at play. Being mindful of the type of energy certain directions emit is a great strategy to follow. For example, the north section of the garden will tend to be sluggish and feel sleepy. To avoid this heaviness, open it up with less vegetation.  

     When incorporating trees, use variation of species. This will allow chi to flow in and out of the branches easily - mostly beech trees, oak trees, and smaller fruit trees. You can also utilize heavier branches to hang a rope swing for your children to enjoy. Creating a willow tunnel made by driving stakes of live willow into the ground and tying them to meet in an arch at the top is a great way for kids to explore. As the new willow grows, new shoots can be woven in between the original stakes, creating a more solid structure.

     Repurposed wood from a reclamation center can work wonders in the garden. Using it to build a picnic table, bench, swing or jungle gym are excellent ways to utilize this type of wood while preserving the environment. 

     Including a water feature such as a shallow pond is an option for older children. You can fit it with a metal grille just below the surface so that children cannot fall into it. And of course a sandbox is always a favorite nestled into a corner with flowering plants  in varying heights as a natural border.

     Have fun creating your children's garden. This is the place for your kids to learn to play house, explore, and take wild adventures!

Mary Jane - Feng Shui Yoga Girl -