Get Ready for a Busy October!
October 8th marked the changing point of energy from September to October. In September the focus was more about literature, fortunate blessings, finances and female perspective. The month of October, the focus is about building new things. This can run the gamut from a new business venture, renovating your home, building a new home or simply taking on a new project of any kind. Male energy, family cohesiveness and healthy habits are also a focal point for this month. Therefore, it behooves you to pay attention to family matters especially when it comes to males and your health this month.
The trigram associated with the month of October is Zhen. As mentioned, this trigram corresponds to family, health,and eldest son. It also represents elders, the element of strong wood, the legs, ligaments, feet, ankles, gallbladder and liver. Therefore, be mindful of these body parts and organs when it comes to your health this month.
Trigram Zhen
Zhen also corresponds to thunder in nature. You can expect things to happen with a "bang" this month to arouse what may be otherwise suppressed. Additional qualities of this trigram include:
- Act now, think later"
- Motivation
- Performance
- Enthusiasm
- Aggressive nature
- Mentoring
- Teaching
- Sales
- Advertising
- Building things
- Action oriented
Zhen also represents the direction of east or the rising sun for both hemispheres. This is a very activating quality and hence why this month will be very busy and action oriented. There is a certain quality of speed, quick movements or arousing energy with this trigram. It can trigger pain in nerves and illness of the sensory systems, the lower extremities and tendons. As this trigram depicts the energy of early spring, things will burst forth with fresh vitality and new growth whether in business or at home. There is a constant energetic growth in a straight upward direction for immediate success.

The key to this energy for the month is action - or more specifically action with understanding and compassion with self-knowledge. The need to stop sitting around and talking and to take action is its strong message. However, we must be aware of our motivations, our urges, our cravings and our intentions. The strength of this trigram can get out of control - so be mindful, focus your intention and then you can experience this unstoppable energy.
The thunder, or associated quality in nature for this trigram, relates to the teachers who influence and guide us. Therefore, we must choose our teachers wisely. Avoid negative company and those who will not help us channel our cravings, desires and impulsive nature.
It is important to join a group rather than trying to do it alone. Social interaction is important. Any injustice can also be directed to positive outcomes with the energy of Zhen.
This month it is especially important to move your body. Deep stretching is also important as ligaments and tendons are vulnerable this month. Choosing a yoga class that focuses on long deep holds (yin) is very beneficial. Taking hot yoga classes would also bode especially well this month. The fire quality associated with hot yoga drains heavy wood (Zhen trigram) that can cause stiffening of muscles and joints. Hot yoga can effectively open and release tension in muscles and ligaments.
Things You Can Do in Your Environment:
There are several simple things you can do this month to honor the trigram of Zhen. Here are just a few:
- Clear out the eastern portent of your home, office and property.
- Plant strong vegetation outdoors; (strong enough to hold up during the colder winter months to come).
- Plant herbs indoors and use them for cooking meals
- Include lots of vegetable greens in your meals
- Add strong plants indoors in the eastern portent
- Add family photos to the eastern portent - make sure you include elders
- Display heritage piece in eastern portent
- Add a water feature to the east
- Use feng shui design principles
Heavenly Stem & Earthly Branch Combination of Energy:
Earth Dog
The month of October the Earth stem combines with the Dog branch. This is a great deal of earth coming together. The element of earth is notoriously known as the transition element. In other words, it is the buffer agent between the seasons in nature. It is the most anchoring of the 5 elements representing stability in order to transform self, others, ideas and health . This bodes well for the otherwise overactive energy of trigram Zhen. Fairness is a strong quality of earth so expect to be sensitive this month when it comes to issues of being fair.
Strong earth will push us towards realities rather than grand schemes that can fall apart; another aspect of trigram Zhen that can tempt us to go for that grand scheme. Heavy earth can activate anxiety and worry. Let it be known that it is useless and unfounded to worry about anything this month. Just get grounded and trust all is well.
The Dog energy infuses the element of honesty and trust. Expect these qualities to be more pronounced this month when it comes to politics. Albeit this has already been an issue of contention, it will move front and center stage for the public.
There is a great deal of primary wealth that actualizes this month with this combination. Therefore it behooves you to pay attention to detail when it comes to long term career moves, position and direction. It is also important to revisit your financial portfolio.
~Happy October!
Mary Jane