Every season has its own special charms and characteristics that we look forward to, but none are considered more spectacular than the fall. As the leaves change on the trees, we are left with some of the most stunning natural scenes as the beautiful gold and brown leaves create a sense of warmth and change. Although often seen as the end, the fall represents the dawning of a new day; a new chapter. Saying goodbye to the old and hello to the new. Get inspired and stay in-spirit as you navigate through this season of transformation.
November resonates with the energy of earth, as the trigram Kun moves to the center - the axis line of creation. Mother earth is receptive, strong, yet gentle. She compliments father sky, and in doing so, fosters creation. St. Francis of Assisi preached how the whole world is a family connected through Mother Earth as care giver, sister moon, brother fire, and father God above who provide the elements of nature that lead us back to Source.
The Native American Indians also honor every part of the earth. Everything is sacred about the earth. In Native American Medicine Wheel, the season of fall sits in the west, a place of the setting sun. As the wheel turns energy moves from the periphery to the core. Life force energy literally draws back into the roots.
The Q'ero people from Peru share a similar belief honoring Pachamama, meaning Mother Earth, for her bounties. They belief nature was given to man from father sky and is the teacher on how to live one's life. The basic premise is to freely give back to Mother with gratitude and in return abundance is received.
What Can We Learn This Month About Mother Earth?
Mother Earth has respect for all who live upon her. There is no part of her that is greater than another. All is one and perfect. We are kin to all living things and therefore must love and show respect to one another. We must regard one another with esteem and consideration.
The greatest sages known to man walked upon the earth. In their very footsteps lies the wisdom to be shared with all. When we take the time with mother earth we too shall learn the ways of the sages and find the wisdom that upholds ones spirit.
Mother earth does not falter when shaken. Every day She provides for all without compromise. We too must work through the difficult times and defend what is right, what we believe in, and be part of this world.
The earth is pure in nature, true to the core. It does not seek to destroy. This is a quality that man needs to fully grasp. If we are true to self first then it will be easy to be true to others.
Mother earth loves unconditionally. There is nothing she will not give to all who seek her. So too must man love his fellow brother and sister without conditions and share with all.
It's important this month to honor the earth and follow in her ways. Spend time in meditation to recharge so you can better serve yourself and others. Below is a simple meditation to practice this month.
Meditation for November:
- Sit comfortably with spine erect and shoulders relaxed.
- Soften the corners of your eyes.
- Focus on the ebb and flow of the breath.
- Repeat the simple mantra, "I am divine love" 108 times to affirm connection to love and align yourself to the will of the universe. This calms the mind, body, and soul.
For daily contemplations with nature and other powerful sources of meditation, see my book, Mother Nature a Bridge to Conscious Living.
Additional Energy Focus Points For November:
- Vision/Goals: There is natural support this month when it comes to your goals and vision. Heed advice from family or those who are close to you, as they will have valuable insight when it comes to moving forward on your path.
- Career: It is essential to manage your long-term plans for career this month. Think about what direction is most beneficial for your vision and then outline the steps to take. New ideas can flow in like the wind, so take the time to go through them and hold on to what makes sense. Communication is a key factor that will come into play this month, so hone your listening skills. This includes financial decisions. Watch for undermining female energy this month on the job or connection to your career path, as this can disrupt your focus.
- Travel/Networking: Seek advice from older male or one in authority position this month when it comes to networking and new opportunities that link to your goals and vision. Take the attitude of being a leader this month in your work. This will bode well for future endeavors.
- Resources: Pay attention to relationships personal or business this month as they can provide great resources for you that aligns to financial gain and wisdom. This may include a move or new real estate that will ultimately fit your vision.
- Literature: Take time this month for leisure reading. It can prove to be very beneficial for every aspect of your life. Balance is essential for health of mind, body and spirit.
- Inner Knowledge: Don't be surprised if you struggle with your meditation practice this month. The energy can literally throw you off your zafu cushion. It will require discipline, routine, and strong mind-set to overcome the otherwise distracting energy.
- Health: Overall, the energy of Kun can cause abdominal issues especially intestines. Large intestines is active in the season of fall, so be mindful of food choices to calm the belly.
Earth Poem
In the earth beneath my feet,
Sacrifice is complete.
With elements in tune,
The cycles resume,
As life gives way to life.
Dying, then alive and new-
I see this as my path, too.
A binding past can be set free,
To feed a future that is yet to be,
As life gives way to life.
Renae Johnson
"We need a path, not to go from here to there, but to go from here to here."
Jakusho Kwong |
Warrior Poses
The series of warrior poses includes three variations that could easily be considered the most iconic of the standing postures. All three are strong standing poses. Warrior 1 is oriented toward the front, with arms overhead or variation of arms can be taken in your practice. Warrior 1 is an excellent pose to practice during the fall season as it aligns to the throat chakra Vishuddha - the spoken word and the movement of air or vata dosha. All the warrior poses represent a call to action. To take pause in the heat of the moment and mindfully choose our words and actions. As we continue to deepen our experience of the posture, we can take our practice off the mat and become yoga warriors out in the world. We can use Patanjali's Yoga Sutra that gives us the tools of happiness, compassion, delight, and indifference to elevate our state of mind. Warrior poses remind us that ferocity exists not only to destroy but to also allow us sufficient strength to achieve integrity, compassion, and a loving state of mind.
Join me for any of my yoga classes at Thompson Park. My class offerings include: Yin/Yang Fusion, Vinyasa flow Lotus Style, Yin - Quiet Connection, Codes of Creation in Movement! Just ask for Mary Jane Kasliner classes for sign-ups!
Butternut Squash
Since November is an earth month according to feng shui flying star system, why not enjoy a hearty earthy soup. The element of earth will naturally assist the energy of Mother Earth (Kun) this month, while building metal chi for the autumnal season. Earth is the parent element to metal in 5 phase theory. Metal qualities include precision, organization, structure, clarity, management, financial acumen, relaxation, heavenly guidance, mentorship, helpful people, and the bodily systems of the head, neck, mouth, teeth, skin, large intestines, colon, lungs and respiratory system. Obviously it is a good idea to support these bodily systems and food is an excellent way to do that! I personally love the book Feng Shui And The 5- Element-Kitchen by Ilse Fahrnow and Gunther Sator for some great recipes following the 5 Chinese Elements.

Bathrooms are often small and cramped. Yet after the kitchen, the bathroom is where we use the most resources - water, heat, and electricity. So despite its humble proportions, this room has a potentially embarrassing carbon footprint. Here are a few ways to improve that.
- Water saving devices such as keeping showers under 5 minutes, and keep baths to a minimum.
- Turn off faucet while brushing your teeth.
- Fit flow restrictors to faucet valves.
- Turn down temperature on your hot water heater.
- Low flow faucets and showers heads.
- Low- flow toilets.
- Smaller bathtubs.
Incorporating environmental friendly designs is also a great way to improve the carbon footprint. Walls can be part-tile and part-paint. The tiles will allow any water to run off quickly, reducing damp levels. There are some eco-friendly paints that can be used as a good option. Floors are demanding in the bathroom but here are a few options to consider:
- Linoleum - waterproof, relatively inexpensive, and extremely hard-wearing.
- Cork tiles - although square, these can be cut in half and used to create interesting patterns; they are water repellant.
- Ceramic tiles - hard wearing and cost effective, although without such good environmental credentials.
- Solid wood -susceptible to the changing moisture levels, they can swell and contract.
- Rubber tiles - hard wearing yet soft, with a contemporary look.
- Recycled rubber flooring - available in a roll to create a seamless floor.
Lighting is another aspect to consider in this room that requires multiple sources. For example, bright lighting for make-up application, mood lighting that will gently light the space for atmosphere, candles that provide a gentle flicker for a relaxing feel, and task lighting. Any of the aforementioned lighting fixtures are available in environmental friendly formats that look great and lower carbon footprint at the same time.
Other Things to Consider
- Eco-towels
- Natural soaps and bath oils
- Freestanding furniture
- Vintage mirror made from FSC-sourced wood.
Treat your bathroom like any other room in your home. Make it functional but also luxurious as it does represent a part of your life! See my eco-friendly designs under my Feng Shui Mini-Program Series and find great ways to spruce up any room in your home while protecting Mother Earth! Enjoy any of my publications. They make great holiday gifts!
Happy November!
Mary Jane Kasliner