Monday, March 2, 2015

March - The Lion's Roar!

March - The Lion's Roar!

The month of March reveals the 4 yellow sha star. The 4 wood star elicits a literary and educational type of energy. Therefore, you may find this month will spark your interest in these areas. This star however is untimely in this current cycle so its negative effects such as family tension and relationship disagreements based on indecision can arise. The hips and thighs are areas of vulnerability this month and especially for females.

The aforementioned energy is the overall energy for the month so it will spread throughout the home. The analysis below is an interpretation of how this star, when moved into each direction reacts to the energy of the other stars within the 8 portents.
Note: For exact cures for your personal space an analysis of facing direction and year structure was built is necessary. Below is a generalized analysis.
All Cures should be placed on March 6th and removed by April 4th.


East:  The black 2 inauspicious star enters the portent of health and family this month. This star is notorious for abdominal illness – stomach flu. As it falls within the eldest son’s portent he is most vulnerable.  As it is in the portent of family, just be aware that tension can arise with family affairs. Feet, neck, gallbladder and liver are also challenged with the loss of energy from portent to incoming earth star.

Cure: Add metal and virtual water elements to this area to deplete the negative 2 energy and loop the elements back to sheng while supporting the portent. Also place strong family images in this area to negate fighting. Remove by April 4th.

Southeast: The 3 green wood star enters the portent of finances and wealth this month. This can bring windfalls from business and especially new working projects. This star can be very temperamental so arguments can start easily along with potential legal ramifications. Best to take thing slowly and recheck all work you are doing.

Cure: Add fire to drain and ease this star as it is strongly assisted by the portent. Remove by April 4th.

South:  This is a strong portent to build wealth this month as the 8 money star naturally is fueled by the fire of the south. Prosperity via investments in property or shares is a natural with this star. Be clear on your intentions and goals this month as it will aid the direction of financial growth.

Cure: Add fire element here, bright lighting, activity and money  (paper form) here for the month and remove by April 4th.

Southwest: Excellent energy here in the portent of relationships and matriarch. Promotion with business is likely as long as research in area of focus is pursued. Some anxiety may present for female with this star and vulnerability to urinary system as the star is in a challenging elemental direction.

Cure: Add metal element here and remove by April 4th.

West: Great energy here for this month when it comes to taking a leadership role in balancing between work and play. In order to be best on the job it requires down time for relaxation and enjoyment. The energy is very vivacious and honest with this star. Make sure patriarch is involved with fun-time plans as his energy is most affected here.

Cure: Add strong earth element to build this auspicious star. Remove cure by April 4th.

Northwest: Things can go awry for patriarch this month when it comes to networking, travel and those working with you. The 5 yellow sha star creates chaos in these areas. Best to avoid major projects and decision making when it comes to these components of business. If need be, take extra precautions.

Cure: Place strong bronze metal element here along with ringing bell frequently to break up this negative energy. Remove cure by April 4th.

North: Great energy for career this month but detail your goals and visions in order to capitalize on it. This direction waters down the star and therefore the eyes and cardiovascular system are at risk.

Cure: Add strong vibrant plant here for the month to build goals and vision in career. Remove by April 4th.

Northeast: Trust your intuition this month as it will be strong. There is an undermining star that enters the portent of self-growth. Stay with meditation and pay attention to information you receive while meditating. Female energy is strong and so is creativity.

Cure: Add virtual water to drain off the metal red star. Remove cure by April 4th.

Central Palace: As mentioned in the beginning of this report, March reveals the 4 yellow sha star. The 4 wood star elicits a literary and educational type of energy. Therefore, you may find this month will spark you interest in these areas. This star however is untimely in this current cycle so its negative effects such as family tension and relationship disagreements based on indecision can arise. The hips and thighs are areas of vulnerability this month and especially for females.

Cure: Add fire element here to drain the negative qualities of this star. Remove cure by April 4th.
Happy March!
Mary Jane

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