Friday, March 15, 2019

Spring Renewal For Your Environment

Spring is a wonderful time of year to refresh your environment and set new intentions. The energy is vibrant, expansive, colorful and upward moving.

The spring equinox (otherwise known as the first day of spring), is a turning point of the seasons when the sun reaches its zenith over the celestial equator. Simply put, it is when the sun comes to the midpoint during its journey from north to south. This means that during an equinox both northern and southern hemispheres are equally illuminated. It is a time when there is equal amount of daytime to nighttime.

In the Chinese map, this is a time the element of wood peaks. The energy is focused and expansive as new life purges through the soil of the earth. In life, it represents our heritage, culture, elders, family and our ability to create. Therefore, you may notice a desire to start new things. Go with this inclination and you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish with strong wood supporting you.

Spring Ceremonies:

This is a time of year that many animals hatch eggs and give birth. We all come out from the winter slumber, to explore, and start anew. Everything seems lighter and brighter. Take advantage of this  vibrancy and let it spill over into your life by following these simple steps.

  •  Take a spray bottle and infuse it with citrus scented water. You can squeeze your favorite citrus fruits or reach for your essential oils. 
  • Spray your citrus scented water throughout your home especially in those areas that are dark and stagnant. It's a great way to lift the energy and bring clarity to your mind.
  •  Open your windows and let the outdoor air flow in and around your space.
  •  Bring in some natural items such as seashells, stones, or driftwood. These items give off positive energies and invite the outdoors in.
  •  Refresh your house plants by taking them outside, changing the soil, and washing them with fresh water.
  •  Clean your windows and repair your screens. The windows represent your eyes, insight and your ability to see things clearly. 
  •  Change up your drapes from heavier winter fabrics to lighter sheer fabrics creating an ethereal mood.
  •  Clear out clutter so there is room for energy to navigate through your environment. The more room you make, the more you can attract new ideas and new ways to move forward on your path.
  •  Touch up the paintwork. A few hours spent spot-treating scuffs and marks will enhance your home environment and subtly boost your peace of mind.
  •  Rearrange your furniture. Experiment with new circulation routes. Break the grip pf old patterns and habits upon your domestic surroundings and watch how it will spill over into your personal habits.
  •  Improve the air quality in your environment by using natural cleaning products, natural décor and healthy plants.
  •  Place your favorite crystals around your home. Choose crystals that are rough rather than polished. They are a powerful way to absorb negative energy and promote a harmonious atmosphere.
  •  Welcome yourself and others as you come home with a display of plants by your front door. Fresh cut flowers are always a treat to place in foyer and kitchen.

Seed Planting:

Many times we get lost in the shuffle of cleaning in and around the home we forget this is the perfect time to plant seeds. After all, spring is the time for new beginnings so why not gather some of your favorite seeds and dig into to mother earth. 

When you are planting and sowing your garden in and around the vernal equinox, do it with intention. Think about what new things you want to bring into your life this year. When planting your seeds see them as your aspirations taking root for steady growth throughout the year. This is the time to add new shoots to your life and let them bloom. Be inspired and go forth with the vibrancy of spring!

Mary Jane

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