Stepping Into the Unknown Can Be Exhilarating!
Welcome to the Wisdom Buffet Writers Newsletter. Each month I
invite you to explore some of chapters from our six book series that
focuses on topics such as Happiness, Health, Love, Harmony, Power, Strength, Perfection, and Wholeness. Let's begin with stepping into the unknown...
Stepping into the unknown is a challenge, but it also
can be exhilarating. Fighting for your dreams and pushing boundaries
takes courage, strength, and commitment. When you approach life from a
position of strength and integrity - real change and growth can happen.
A critical process in stepping into the unknown is to engage in each
moment and be in a state of gratitude for new skills and knowledge
gained. When you are focused you become stronger, more courageous,
encouraged and motivated. Experiencing each step - rickety or not - and
accept it for what it is, makes all the difference. This process no
doubt means taking risks. Risk is, by nature, scary. It is unpredictable
and leads down a path of uncertainty, potential criticism and
humiliation. No wonder so few actually blaze that path. But should
criticism and humiliation matter? In actuality, what counts is if you
are willing to do what it takes to achieve.
Part of stepping into the unknown is to vividly imagine, believe, and
enthusiastically act upon an idea. It is living creatively moment by
moment. This is the difference between actualizing your life situation
and sitting in the background waiting for things to change. Think about
it, in each moment, you can redirect the scene according to your
thoughts. The key is to imagine what you want as if it is presently
happening - not a year from now or when you think you will have the
resources. Otherwise , it will remain a dangling thought somewhere in
the ether.

Think of your future...Chapter 1 Strong, Perfect, Whole: Becoming Who You Want to Be available on Amazon or visit:
Tips To Mend Your Relationship with Perfection
Write down the qualities you have you're grateful for. Put them on small
pieces of paper in a jar on your desk or nightstand. After 27 days,
read them all. Throw them away and start over. It's okay to repeat some
of the things. After the first 27 days, your life will change
dramatically. You will feel a renewed sense of yourself and your life.
2. Try Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also known as tapping. It helps release blocks and you can do it on yourself.
3. Make a positive change in your life. It could be leaving a job, like I
did, or cutting off communication from someone toxic. Change
self-defeating beliefs by listening to motivational and inspirational
speakers, like Abraham Hicks.
4. Identify habits that have evolved from...Chapter 4: Strong, Perfect, Whole: Becoming Who You Want to Be available on Amazon or visit www.the
What's Love Got To Do With It?
When we're young, most of us don't give too much thought to our health,
and then before we know it, and the older we become, it starts taking
center stage. It seems everyone is talking about it; everyone is doing
something about it. Whether joining some new cross-training fitness
class, jumping onboard the juicing and cleansing craze, or following the
diet du jour, everyone is trying some new prescriptions for better
As the years rolled by and life became more demanding, good health meant
more to me. I soon came to realize the benefits of stress reduction
techniques such and meditation and yoga to improve my mental and
emotional health. Many times however, I would repeatedly sabotage myself
and slack off, waking up to bad habits instead of my crossed legs and
It wasn't until I grasped the concept of Wabi Sabi, that I understood my
life wasn't just about setting and meeting one goal after another. It
was about living, loving, experimenting, learning, applying and
sometimes, even discarding. And most importantly, I was told... Chapter 7
Journey to Health Living Well From the Inside Out available on Amazon or visit:
The Wisdom Buffet Writers
are eight individuals with a common thread - Feng Shui - the ancient
Chinese Philosophy of living in harmony with the natural rhythm of the
Universe. Each practices some form of energy healing including yoga, Tai
Qi Gong, Life Coaching, Environmental Healing, Reiki, Massage Therapy,
and Chinese Medicine. To learn more about the writers, their philosophy,
and their other books in the series visit:
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