Life's Sacred Flow
There is a natural cycle of life, moving through beginning, sustaining and letting go. By attuning to the natural rhythms, you can tap into the intelligence from which these natural cycles arise. The cycles of nature can teach us about how things are connected, and how to align with the natural flow.
Honoring the "wheel of the year" reminds us of life's sacred flow. By and large, the wheel of the year focuses on the solstices and equinoxes or the observance of solar energy. From planting to reaping to winter to summer; the seasons were of great importance to our ancestors. Their basic survival depended on the cycles of nature and how to work with these cycles.
The wheel of the year is also a depiction of yang and yin, light and dark, heaven and earth. It gives us a way to integrate opposites into our life to find balance and ultimately to dispel the illusion of separateness. For example, during the summer solstice when the energy is yang, the sun is bright, and the days are longer, we learn to stay connected to higher self, inner wisdom and our soul's intention. The winter solstice is a time when the days are shorter, nights are longer and darkness reaches its peak. It is a time for reflection and the planting of new seeds for growth to occur as we anticipate the return of the light of the sun.
Intention is focused on how you are "being" in the present moment. |
Turning Inward
Learn to trust the inner Guru by turning inward. The winter solstice is a time for reflection, to turn within so you can align your mind and spirit for new beginnings. Yogi Bhajan once said, "Look Outside, Become a Victim. Look Inside, Become a Master." Eventually we all come to learn the outside world, and all its promises, just doesn't cut it. We must turn our gaze inward. Taking time to move inward is a practice meant to reconnect you to your true self and your soul's intention. In the process, you'll come to notice what you are present to.
The witness or the mind sheath "Vijnanamaya Kosha" is the aspect of ourselves that brings awareness to what we think, feel, believe, and do. The witness is the agent of awareness, acceptance, integration, and ultimately change.
One of the easiest ways to become the witness is to close your eyes and breathe deeply and consciously. Skillful breathing is smooth and free of strain. Spending even a few minutes a day in quiet breathing is enough to begin the practice of moving inward and discovering your true nature.
Yin Yoga
During the winter the earth pulls inward. This is not unlike our own energy that naturally looks to curl up on a couch and snuggle with a warm blanket. Alternating your yang (active) yoga practice with yin yoga is perfect as the poses naturally work the deeper tissues of our ligaments, joints, deep fascia networks and even our bones. The focus of yin practice is to bring stimulation to the connective tissues. The primary focus of a yin practice is often on the connective tissues of the hips, pelvis and lower spine.The approach of yin yoga is to effectively "stress" or "load" the connective tissues.
In yin yoga, the student sets up in such a way to release muscular effort and then remains in the pose for several minutes. The idea is to enter the pose nonagressively until you meet an intelligent edge. Once there, become still and muscularly soft, inviting gravity to do its thing. The pose is then held for several minutes so to fully nourish the energy channels fueling the area and body organ system affiliated with the pose.
See My Calander of Yoga Classes
Feng Shui Energy
December marks the month of the 1 water Kan trigram.This trigram represents the white foam from the ocean waves activated by the phases of the moon. The moon represents the cyclical nature of all things. Nothing remains the same but rather moves, cycles and transforms. This includes You. Ask yourself, "How am I transforming?" Look at this question from a larger perspective by examining your life experiences. Do you have a plan? If so, can you see it, feel it, touch it, and hear it? The trigram Kan invites you to set the journey in motion knowing there are many paths to choose from along the way.
Rely on the wisdom of the elders, your past endeavors, and what you have learned from them. It's all part of the plan. This trigram resonates very closely with your career path and intimately interacts with your intentions and Dharmic route. You know if you are off track as your heart or throat will feel closed off. Your inner and outer worlds should communicate with ease, no hinderances or fears. If not, you are not being true to "self." This trigram is associated with the urinary bladder system, ears and hair on your head. Any of these areas become vulnerable this month.
December Active Points
East: Money and resources are strong this month. It's a good idea to rely on family input for resources and financial acumen. Place strong fire quality (bright lighting or incense burner) in the east along with money to activate this auspicious star. Southeast: Future income and opportunities are based on clarity of vision for plans to meet your goals and aspirations. Place a healthy plant in the southeast this month for growth and upward movement. West: Ideas for new business and or projects are strong this month. It does require creativity and "outside the box" concepts. Place water element in the west to fuel this very active star! North: Set aside time for networking in your industry this month. The energy is strong for new clients, mentors and guidance for future connections and business success. Add metal element to the north sector to cultivate assistance.
Quiet These Areas South: Place strong bronze element and ring a bell frequently as the energy of this star can create overall chaos making it difficult to remain goal focused. Southwest: Place virtual water cure here to ease the undermining energy of this star that can can cause you to question the element of trust in your close relationships. Northwest: Stomach flu or food poisoning for male is possible this month. Add metal element here to drain the negative aspects of this trigram.
Take advantage of my publications or feng shui take home training programs and enhance your life and those around you! Also available are 4 Pillar of Destiny life readings. These are extensive reports approximately 30 pages in length. They make fabulous New Years gift for self or family member. Email me for further details.
Many Blessings This Holiday Season!

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