Thursday, June 30, 2016

Ms. Feng Shui Tea Totaler Says : Follow the Sun!

Good Thursday morning! Sipping my cup of tea as the sun is streaming in through my window. Following the sun on its journey around the room on a sunny day makes for some interesting feng shui design. Notice how the light quality changes depending on the angle at which the sunlight falls through the window. Plan your interior decor to make the most of such daily and seasonal changes. For example, my den is positioned between the east and southeast portents. This is a very energetic room as the sun is in its ascent position so the ions in the atmosphere are full and fresh. Water and wood elements in decor work fabulous in this room along with a dash of fire. A beautiful stained glass throws a rainbow of colors across the room. What works just as effectively and looks great is several color glass bottles filled with water. Place on window ledge and you have a fabulous look!

~Mary Jane -

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