Friday, September 9, 2016

Ms. Feng Shui Tea-Totaler - Ceilings!

In feng shui study, the concept of micro/macrocosm is followed and put into practice. Therefore, every part of a building structure corresponds to the human body. Ceilings then correspond to the head. The structural dynamics of ceilings also have a tremendous impact on how energy flows. With that being said, it is very important to pay attention to your ceilings. Here are a couple of pointers:

  • Make sure all your ceilings are in good physical condition - no water stains, chipping paint, etc.
  • Flat or dome shaped are most auspicious as energy can move freely throughout the space.
  • Overly high ceilings (12-30 feet) pulls energy upward leaving little energy source in the living part of the room.
  • Overhead beams, albeit attractive in design, present a challenge when found in bedrooms or rooms that a great deal of time are spent in. The right angle formed between the beam and wall causes a back-flow  of energy compressing it downward at 96 feet/second (gravity) and can negatively impact occupants directly beneath it.
  • Inverted "V" ceilings that slope downward are also problematic since they constrict energy flow causes a suppressed feeling for occupants sleeping or working beneath them.
  • Very low ceilings (less than 8 feet) will feel very constricting and to sleep or work beneath.
Discover how to rectified these common ceiling designs in any of my mini-fengshui series programs or my first book: The Feng Shui Connection to a Healthy Life.

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