Monday, September 19, 2016

Ms. Feng Shui Tea-Totaler - Fall Equinox!

September 22nd - The Fall Equinox:

The autumnal equinox is the first day of fall. This year is falls on September 22nd. It is celebrated by many different cultures and plays a significant role in some beliefs. For most people, fall is a time that ushers in harvests, preserving food for the upcoming months, enjoyment of the colors of the changing leaves and beginning to prepare oneself both physically and psychologically for the upcoming colder months. For Keats, the famous poet, fall was the "season of mists and mellow fruitfulness". A beautiful season, fall is filled with color, crisp days and provides an excuse to indulge in great foods.

In feng shui, the equinox represents a time of year where the earth begins to contract and pull inward to prepare of the colder months ahead. The earthly branch representation is the Rooster; an archetype energy that is trustworthy, honest and reliable. It contains the element of metal, an inward force that is driven and rigid. Metal is at prosperity point or what is considered to be at peak right now. Therefore it behooves you to take advantage of the aforementioned qualities of metal. Try not to shy away from the term "rigid" but rather think of it as being focused at the task or mission at hand. ​

The Rooster is positioned on the 24 mountain template in the west, a direction where our sun sets and a time of year to reap the benefits of your hard work. All of this begins with the first day of fall. Here are some fun ways to celebrate the autumnal equinox.

  • Understand the meanings associated with the autumnal equinox. This is the day when both the daytime and nighttime are of the same length, which has been long interpreted to mean that the world is in balance. Once the autumnal equinox passes, the nights begin to get longer and the temperatures will start to fall. Autumn is a time of dual purpose––it is time to gather the main harvests and it is time to determine what is needed for the upcoming winter. This is also about balance and as such, fall is considered the season of balance, a time during which you can restore balance to your own life.
  • Consider a dinner party to welcome autumn. Celebrate with family and friends and offer some fall foods such as squash, apples and pears. Why not have people bring their favorite fall food for the meal. Be creative and have fun with this.
  • Build or set up a monument to autumn. Why not build a small stone circle. It can be either outdoors (if you have a yard) or create it indoors on a cocktail table. Choose stones from the outdoors (larger ones for your yard), and arrange them in a circle. You can mark off the 4 cardinal directions with a different stone. Be creative, maybe infuse some feathers, pine cones or acorns. The idea is to honor nature, mother earth and her abundance.
  • Have a despacho ceremony. This is a Peruvian shamanic tradition. It is an offering to Mother Earth and Father sky for the abundance they provide. This is such a fun way honor the earth. You can simply gather different berries, grains, sweets, feathers, shells or anything you would like to offer back to nature. Wrap it like a present and either burn it, bury it or send it down a water-way. I have a wonderful ceremony that I share with my feng shui students. Here are a few photos:           

  • Make a list of your inner harvest. An inner harvest refers to all the achievements and experiences that you have had or felt during the past few seasons. This is a way of restoring gratitude into your life, as you realize what you have done and how you have coped with challenges during the past months.
  • Contemplate. This is a season when the buzzing activity of summer dies down and the excitement of life outdoors begins to relax into the more evenly paced, more predictable rhythm of fall. Think about the ways you have neglected your inner growth and how this might be remedied.
  • Meditate or do yoga. Try to find your balance, in the same way that the world finds its balance on the autumnal equinox

Happy Fall Equinox!

~Mary Jane

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