Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Energy Forecast and Focus Points

When it comes to relationships today, be it personal or business, it is best to organize your thoughts and come to the table with a written plan of action. The element combination is challenging and therefore disagreements and tension are likely. Try to diffuse by improving your communication tactics. Listening and repeating what you heard will assure you are interpreting things correctly. Other areas of focus for today include:

  • Look to set up meetings with those you plan on networking with. There is an excellent energy combination to the northwest that is indicative of money! Add strong earth and do your work in that direction if at all possible.
  • Look internally for the direction you need to take. The answers are within if you take the time to listen to your intuition. Be strategic with the messages you receive, write them down and take action.
  • Career path is flowing with great speed today. Be careful however of reacting too quickly to work related situations as your reputation is on the line. Take two steps back and define what it is you are looking to accomplish, then move forward.
Get on with your day now!
Mary Jane - Feng Shui Yoga Girl -

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