Thursday, July 11, 2013

Using Colors Strategically

Using Colors Strategically

Colors have a tremendous impact when it comes to our moods. Depending on the color hue can determine if you feel relaxed, energized or on edge. Here are some simple tips when it comes to choosing colors and how it can make you feel.

Red: Red is powerful and ignites emotions from passion to anger. With that being said, use accents of this color to add a little spice to your life.

Orange: This is a fun color and linked to the chakra point that deals with desires and fulfillment. Adding some orange to your space will awaken your creative side and let the child within explore what brings you joy.

Yellow: The color of the sun and optimism. This is a great color to add to an office space or a kitchen. It also awakens the inner warrior and boost self confidence.

Green: The color of nature, balance and relaxation. Here we connect to inner harmony. Have fun with this color especially in the wood directions of east and southeast and fuel the passion of fire in the south.

Blue: The color of the sky awakens possibilities and endless ideas to be free and tranquil. It aligns to our throat chakra so our voice is heard.

Have fun with exploring colors!

Mary Jane Kasliner - Feng Shui Master & Yogi

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