Thursday, December 20, 2018

Winter Solstice - A Calling Back to the Light!

Winter Solstice - A Calling Back to the Light!
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     The winter solstice is a time of deepening and calling back to the light. It is one of the most powerful turning points of the year when one of the Earth's poles has its maximum tilt away from the sun. It is an astronomical phenomenon marking the day with the  shortest period of daylight and the longest night of the year.

     At this auspicious time of the year, we can attune to the energy of the earth that begins to pull inward. Nature contracts and pulls downward. As the seasons turn, we can find a quiet time to draw into our center, exploring our higher self, and connecting with our spirit. Just as the earth settles this time of year, we can let ourselves settle. We can mindfully turn within and welcome the peace it brings and the love that accompanies it.

     Acknowledge the depth of this time in your life and the planet we live on. Use the power of the Divine Universe to give you courage for the next steps. Listen and hear guidance to accept everything just the way it is.

Elevate Your Consciousness!

Mary Jane

Waking Well

During the winter season we are surrounded by more darkness. Without the darkness there would be no light. Take this time to retreat inward and restore your energy. Here are a few simple ways to do that.

1. Wake early and reconnect with your bodily cycles (circadian rhythms).  You may find there's extra time before breakfast to do some worthwhile meditation.

2. Draw insights from dreams when you wake up while they are still fresh. Follow your intuition with the symbols that show up. Keep a diary to record your dreams so that you can review them later in the day or week.

3. Immediately upon waking, think about how you can bring joy to another person. Practice Metta or loving friendliness towards others. This is an extraordinary frequency to begin your day.

4. Engage all five senses as soon as you awaken. The sight of sunlight or darkness, the sound of birdsong, the feel of a towel, the taste of your breakfast, the wafting smell of coffee or tea brewing.

5. Say a morning prayer giving thanks for a new day, your family, friends, health and happiness.

        Create a Power Grid of Crystals
This is a wonderful way to lift the energy within your environment especially this time of the year when the energy moves inward and downward. You can create a simple offering tray of assorted crystals and keep it in the area where you meditate and pray, or you can place them around your home. Stones and crystals are energetically aligned to the southwest, northeast and center points.

It's a great idea to bless and clear your stones prior to placing them in the home. You can do this by leaving them outdoors during a full moon, sunrise, or rain/snow event. Set prayerful intentions over the stones, and then place them on your tray offering, or in the aforementioned points of your environment. 


Celebrating Light During the Winter Solstice:

Throughout time people have celebrated the light of the sun. Special ceremonies to honor the time of the solstice and equinox mark not only the movement of the sun, but the inherent cycles within spiritual and physical life.

The astronomical events of the Solstices corresponds to our own rhythms helping us to understand what to focus on in the ever-changing cycles of life. They are powerful points in time to celebrate the light and consciously expand.

The changing seasons are associated with the key points within the human life cycle. The winter solstice has a direct correlation with seeking higher states of consciousness through meditation. Expanding your consciousness increases your vibration so healing at every level can take place.


Just as the seasons move through cycles, there are peaks and lows in the spiritual human journey. There are times to create, move forward and share, and there are times to rest, retreat and nurture self. This is the time to pull in, listen more than speak, be flexible and contemplate life just as it is now.

This time of year is a natural way to reconnect with life's Divine plan and to feel a deep connection with self and others. Honor and celebrate your unique spiritual path while living as a human being.

There are many ways you can celebrate the Solstice from gathering with friends and family, taking a spiritual retreat, attending a candlelight meditation ceremony, engaging with nature, sitting around a campfire, star gazing, spending time with elders and listening to the wisdom they have to share. This list can go on and on. The idea is to engage in an activity that resonates with you internally.

The Ebb and Flow of Your Yoga Practice:

Beatles Ashram Rishikesh, India

The length of the day, the span of the year, the duration of a life, the blossoming and decay of a flower; your yoga practice mirrors the rhythm of these cyclical changes. Every time you practice yoga your experience is different from every other time you have practiced. You have your favorite poses and sequences, but consider the fact that we grow and change as individuals every day and in every moment. This means that everything is new each time we do it, including our yoga practice. What we may have loved one day on our mat, we dislike the next day. You may be drawn to an intense yoga practice, and then your tastes may shift and you prefer a more yin practice. Like nature, and like you, your yoga practice can fluctuate and grow to surprise you over time.

Like the peaceful warrior, when the work is done, we can rest and seek the journey within. 

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