Thursday, January 21, 2016

Ms. Feng Shui Tips Tea Totaler

Ms. Feng Shui Tips Tea Totaler

Meet the Feng Shui Astrology Lady's bestie; Ms. Feng Shui Tips Tea Totaler. Feel free to invite her into your home, with a cup of tea of course, as you delve into some great feng shui tips! So what is Ms. Tea Totaler's feng shui advice for today? How to spark some life into your environment with a splash of color.
 What color is best? Well, that all depends where you want to liven up the energy. Let's say it is your bedroom. Here is her advice:
1. Think seduction. Move to colors that scream romance!
2. What direction is your bedroom located in the overall home? This is important, as different directions mean different color choices. Here is Ms. Tea Totaler's quick reference color guide:
  • East & Southeast: Go for a sensual green.
  • South: You can stay with the sensual green or kick it up a notch with a fire hue.
  • Southwest/Northeast: Fire hues are powerful or maybe move into earth hues (chocolate brown, mustard or tan family). The earth hues bring in a nurturing quality.
  • West/Northwest: Get sassy with metal hues such as copper, bronze, silver, gold or pewter.
Have fun discovering COLOR in your environment and be sure to share your results with Ms. Feng Shui Tips Tea Totaler!

~Mary Jane

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