Friday, January 22, 2016

Ms. Feng Shui Tips Tea Totaler

Ms. Feng Shui Tips Tea Totaler

Good afternoon my friends. I'm just sipping my tea awaiting the snow storm. Yesterday, we had a chat about adding a splash of color to your environment. If you took my advice, and did a little painting, I'm sure you'll agree it is one of the most powerful and inexpensive ways to make a dramatic difference in your space.

Today, I want to give a tip about using furnishings according to their element. For example, let's consider the chair I'm sitting on. This is a perfect earth element furnishing. Why? The shape is square, the muted orange with a splash of gold color, and the plaid design all fall into the category of the earth element! So where is the perfect placement for this chair? Well, it can actually bode well in any room to complete what we feng shui consultants refer to as a sheng cycle, but it is most effective in earth and metal directions ( southwest, northeast, northwest and west) respectively. Knowing your elements and how they work makes for powerful designing and a tranquil environment. 

If you really want to hone your feng shui knowledge, you should consider some of my simple yet highly effective feng shui series.

I'm off for the weekend now. Let's catch up on Monday after the storm. Be sure to follow me on Facebook and Twitter!

~May Jane

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